Home / Results / Smackdown / July 9, 2010

Match-by-match results and television rating of this edition of Smackdown.
Show Details
Show: Smackdown
Date: July 9, 2010
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Commentary: Todd Grisham & Matt Striker
Reported By: Jacob Gilbert
TV Rating:

Quick Results

1. Dolph Ziggler def. MVP & Chavo Guerrero to advance to Money in the Bank.

2. Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins def. Matt Hardy & Christian when Hawkins pinned Hardy.

3. Non-title: Drew McIntyre def. Kofi Kingston to advance to Money in the Bank.

4. Cody Rhodes def. JTG.

5. Big Show & Jack Swagger fought to a double countout.

Detailed Results
We open tonight with a recap of the newer, more aggressive Jack Swagger, reintroducing the anklelock to the WWE Universe, with Big Show & Rey Mysterio as his first two victims. Swagger faces Big Show in a rematch in tonight's main event.

In the ring is Drew McIntyre, his visa issues having been resolved. Local hero Teddy Long is out next, doing his George Jefferson walk. McIntyre apologizes for the problems he's brought upon Long the last few months, but apparently, Teddy isn't buying. Even with Drew offering to nominate Long for the Hall of Fame next year (Wrestlemania 27 being in Atlanta). Long subjects McIntyre to the same humiliation the Sinister Scotsman visited upon the GM 3 weeks ago, forcing McIntyre to his knees, then dropping the bomb that McIntyre must face IC champ Kofi Kingston in order to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match.

1. Money in the Bank qualifier: Dolph Ziggler vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. MVP.

Vickie Guerrero, Chavo's aunt, who has been stringing Ziggler along in recent weeks, joins the announcers at the desk. Break out the Pepto! At first, it plays like a handicap match, with Ziggler & Chavo doubling on MVP. However, with both MVP & Ziggler down, Chavo sees a golden opportunity, and gets a 2 count on MVP, which makes Aunt Vickie very unhappy. "We didn't talk about this!", she shrieks repeatedly. MVP recovers and hits the Play of the Day, but Vickie pulls ref Aaron Mahoney out of the ring illegally, enabling Ziggler to swoop in and apply the sleeper while Vickie rolls Chavo out of the ring to prevent him from saving MVP, if he even thought of it. Winner: Dolph Ziggler.

Alberto Del Rio talks about being the embodiment of inspiration. I see him eventually feuding with Mysterio and/or aligning himself with Vickie.

Josh Mathews is backstage with Rey Mysterio and Smackdown head trainer Dr. Michael Simpson. Jack Swagger interrupts and applies the anklelock, dragging Rey toward the arena before Big Show makes the save. Show carried Rey to the back.

2. Christian & Matt Hardy vs. Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins.

On paper, it's an even matchup, despite the fact that Hardy & Christian have 16 tag titles between them (9 for Christian, 7 for Hardy). Hawkins is also a former tag champ. Christian, still smarting from Hardy attacking him on the Peep Show last week, turned on Matt by dumping him over the top rather than accept a tag. Archer threw Hardy back in, hit an inverted DDT, then tagged in Hawkins, who hit the Heat-Seeking Elbow. Winners: Vance Archer & Curt Hawkins.

3. Non-title: Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre.

Here's a matchup that never gets boring. McIntyre needs to win to advance to Money in the Bank. Kingston is already there. Easily the best match on the show for sheer excitement. Plenty of near-falls, especially late. Kingston hit the boom drop, but couldn't connect with Trouble in Paradise. Kingston then went for the boom on the apron, but McIntyre had enough wherewithal to post Kingston, then score with Future Shock. Winner: Drew McIntyre.

After a video clip of Serena "exonerating" CM Punk last week, Punk & Luke Gallows are headed to the ring, pausing to observe Rosa Mendes exercising, doing a step test.

More from Alberto Del Rio.

Punk & Gallows are now in the ring, but it's Luke doing the talking for a change. He calls out Serena, who comes out with no entrance music. She's apologetic, and says she acted last week to save Punk from the wrath of Kane. Gallows ain't buying, and claims that if it was up to him, when they found Serena at a bar, he'd have tossed her from the SES. Punk, though, forgives Serena, who promises not to stray again. Punk warns that "you better not". She hugs him, a sign of affection that Luke surely is not digging........

4. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. JTG.

Protracted squash. Whatever momentum JTG had generated in recent months has dissipated due to lack of opportunities. Rhodes, the newest narcissist in WWE, played with his foe before putting him away with Cross Rhodes. Winner: Cody Rhodes.

Josh is with Kelly Kelly, who faces Layla at Money in the Bank, but the girl-child champ interrupts to taunt. Kelly swats the hairspray can out of Layla's hand and fights, but Michelle McCool ambushes from behind and the self-styled school bullies from hell leave Kelly lying.

After a recap of Jack Swagger's attack on Rey Mysterio earlier, Josh is now with Big Show, who promises to avenge Swagger's attacks on himself & Mysterio, and to teach Swagger fear.....

5. Big Show vs. Jack Swagger.

We've seen better from these two. Swagger goes right for the ankle, but Show has one counter after another. Swagger does manage to damage the ankle, but can't quite apply the anklelock. Show sends him to the floor, and follows him out, leading to a double countout. It ends on the stage, with a clip, and then, Swagger wrenches the knee and ankle of the colossus. Winner: None.

As referees attend to Big Show, Swagger backpedals to the backstage area, but Kane is waiting for him. Kane drags Swagger to a ready-made interrogation room bathed in----what else?---red light. Now, Kane is accusing Swagger of attacking Undertaker, but like CM Punk, Swagger claims to have an alibi, and will present it next week. Suddenly, the former champion is quivering in fear, as Kane promises to sentence him to hell!

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