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Match-by-match results
and television rating of this edition of WWE Royal Rumble 2008 Pay-Per-View.
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Quick Results |
Career Threatening Match: Ric
Flair def. M.V.P.
John Bradshaw Layfield def. Chris Jericho by
World Championship Match: Edge
[c] def. Rey Mysterio
WWE Championship Match: Randy
Orton [c] def. Jeff Hardy
Royal Rumble Match: John Cena
Detailed Results |
M.V.P. vs. Ric Flair [Career Threatening Match] Flair
comes to the ring first. He gets on the mic and says that
its been a great honor to wrestle in MSG all of these years.
He said his first match in MSG was in March of 1976, long
before many of the people here were born. He says he wants
everyone to know…MVP’s music hits, interrupting Flair. Bell
rings and the two circle the center of the ring. Flair does
some stylin’ and profilin’ to begin. The lock up. MVP to the
ropes and a shoulderblock on Flair. MVP taunts the crowd.
We lock up again. Fans are very into this one with chants.
Referee calls for a break as Flair is backed into the corner.
The two lock up a third time, top wrist lock for Flair. MVP
to the corner and another break. MVP slaps Flair, then Flair
chops him back. A few more chops due to MVP and Flair bounces
off the ropes, shoulderblocks MVP. Porter with a drop toe
hold and follows with a kick to the temple. MVP with a Neckbreaker
and a two count. Porter snap mare’s Flair and applies a rear
chinlock. Flair with a big elbow to MVP, followed by a chop
block. He attempts the Figure Four but MVP kicks him off.
Chops by Flair, followed by an atomic drop. Back to the well
for a Figure Four. MVP rolls him up and gets only two. Porter
with a whip of Flair, and a back body drop on him. He then
charges Flair in the corner and hits a running facewash to
the face. MVP pins him 1…2…at three Flair gets the foot on
the ropes. The ref did drop the three count though. MVP is
arguing with the ref. Flair schoolboys MVP and gets a two
count. MVP with a double underhook suplex and a two count.
MVP plants Flair on the top rope now and he hits a superplex.
Two count only for Porter. MVP slaps Flair two times and then
puts him in a Fireman’s Carry. Flair wriggles free and chops
MVP twice then receives a shoulderblock and both men are down
for the count. Flair small packages MVP and gets a two count.
Quickly into a backslide for Flair, and a two count. Another
chop by Flair, followed by a right hand, chop, right hand,
chop, right hand, chop…Flair to the ropes and then gets a
knee to the face by MVP. MVP sets up the Playmaker but Flair
trips him down and applies the Figure Four. MVP taps! Your
Winner: Ric Flair
Chris Jericho vs. John Bradshaw Layfield Chris Jericho
was introduced first, followed by JBL. JBL looking a bit out
of shape. They two lock up and back into a corner. Referee
calls for Jericho to break. A second lock up, and we have
the same break. A third lockup now, and this time JBL slips
outside of the ropes. JBL sneak attacks Jericho behind the
referee landing punches. Jericho flies off the ropes and connects
with a flying forearm. Jericho then unleashes punches. Y2J
with a kick to the ribs, and another. JBL up and he tries
a short arm clothesline but Jericho ducks and tries to apply
the Walls of Jericho but too close to the ropes and JBL forces
a break. Jericho hits a baseball slide onto JBL on the outside
now and sends him into the fan barricade followed by the steel
steps. Back inside we go now and Jericho hoisted up in the
air and placed across the top rope, throat-first. Both men
down momentarily. Big short arm clothesline by JBL, and another.
JBL with a blatant choke across the bottom rope on Jericho,
then turns him over and slingshots him upward into the underside
of the second rope, throat-first. JBL has Y2J in the corner
now and he delivers right hands. Jericho fights back with
some of his own. Sleeper hold slapped on by JBL, taking Y2J
down to the mat in the middle of the ring. Jericho back to
a vertical base, battling out, ducks a big boot and delivers
a clothesline on the rebound. Both men down for the count.
JBL now connects on a big boot. then sends JBL to the ringpost,
falling to the outside. Jericho is busted wide open. Back
inside now and JBL going at Jericho with kicks. Jericho somehow
battles back with punches and then Jericho goes for a Bulldog
but JBL falls too soon, obviously messing up. Jericho then
hits a drop kick and a Lionsault. Fans boo loudly. Jericho
then follows up with a clothesline over the ropes to the outside.
JBL tears off the top of the announce table and turns around,
when Jericho grabs a steel chair and clocks him, getting himself
disqualified. Your Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield by DQ
After the match Jericho sends JBL back inside and throws the
chair at him, then gets cable wire and chokes him out with
it. Jericho stands on the announce table on the outside yanking
on the tv cable choking out JBL from there.
Edge [c] vs. Rey Mysterio [World Heavyweight Championship
Match] Edge is introduced first, and comes to the ring
with his Edgeheads and Vickie Guerrero. Rey Mysterio is introduced
next. We have the in-ring introductions. Interestingly we
heard about half boos/half cheers for Rey and a majority of
cheers for Edge upon introduction. The bell rings and the
two circle. Edge shoves Rey and taunts him. The two circle
again and lock up. Edge with an arm wringer into a top wristlock.
Rey bounces off the ropes and headscissors him to the mat.
The two lock up again and Edge goes to the ropes and shoulderblocks
Rey down, but gets tripped down. Rey dropkicks Edge to the
head and a two count. Fans consistently booing Rey. Edge sends
Rey to the ropes, Rey slides under Edge’s legs and to the
outside. Edge then runs and connects on a baseball slide on
Rey. Hawkins and Ryder were about to attack Rey outside but
the referee saw it and ejects them from ringside. Rey runs
in, trips Edge, and runs for a 619 but Edge falls outside
the ring to avoid it. Rey then follows with a plancha to the
outside onto Edge. Inside now, Rey hits a springboard seated
Senton into a pin for a two count. Edge has Rey crawling on
the mat now as he works on the left knee inside the ring.
Rey fights back with an insiguri kick, sending Edge across
the ropes set up for a 619. Rey hobbles to the ropes trying
for the 619 but Edge springs up and snap slams him down for
a two count. Rey battles free, but Edge regains the upper
hand and works on the leg, trying to remove Rey’s legbrace,
but Rey gets free with kicks and hobbles to the ropes, then
hits a bulldog and both men are down. Rey to the ropes, Edge
sunset flips Rey and Ray rolls through, and hits a superkick
to Edge’s face. Rey then hits another plancha into a pin but
only gets two. Rey goes to the top ropes now as Edge follows.
Rey hits a double footstomp to the gut of Edge. Looked pretty
sloppy but he gets a two count. Rey hits a standing hurricanrada
on Edge sending him outside. He then hits a headfirst slide
to the outside of the ring into swinging DDT on Edge to the
outside floor. Back inside they both go and Rey has a two
count. Edge goes for a Spear, Rey ducks. Rey hits a hurricanrada
and goes for a 619, and connects. Rey climbs the ropes and
hits a missile body splash on Edge. Referee counts 1….2… Vickie
Guerrero pulls the referee out. She is arguing with Rey now.
Edge tries to Spear Rey from behind who sidesteps, Edge ends
up on the ropes. Rey hits a 619 but Edge pulls Vickie to his
face hugging her so that she takes the 619. Rey slips outside,
planchas toward Edge but Edge Spears him in mid-air and scores
the pinfall to retain the title. Your Winner: Edge
Maria/Ashley/Santino Merella Segment
Maria comes to the ring and starts off a kiss cam session.
Ashley then comes to the ring when she is finished. Ashley
gets the microphone and says that she has to tell Maria that
she got a call from Hugh Hefner and he asked her if Maria
was interested in posing for playboy. Santino Marella then
comes to the ring with someone covered in a black sheet. Santino
has a mic and tells Ashley that she won’t be posing for playboy.
He bashes the Mets and Yankees then says that they only thing
they have to cheer about is a football team from Jersey. He
says that the only thing they are going to do is choke in
the Super Bowl. Fans start chanting “Let’s Go Giants.” Ashley
says that the decision isn’t for Santino to make it’s for
Maria. She asks everyone if they want her to pose for Playboy.
They all cheer. He then brings the person covered with the
sheet to the ring and said if everyone wants boobies they
can have boobies, and takes the sheet off. Its Big Dick Johnson
with a Tom Brady Jersey and a patriot tattoo on his chest,
dancing around.
Randy Orton [c] vs. Jeff Hardy [WWE Championship Match]
Jeff Hardy is introduced first. Orton slowly walks to the
ring next. We have the standard in-ring introductions for
this championship bout. The belt is raised, the bell rings,
and here we go. The two come to the center of the ring, and
back out. They circle and lock up and roll around the ropes
to the corner then to the next corner, then to the next, until
finally the referee calls for a break. Hardy Shoves Orton
and they lock up again. Hardy to the ropes and a big shoulder
tackle. Side headlock take over for Jeff. Orton rolls him
over for a two count. He tries again, and another two count.
Orton turns it into a headscissors. Hardy breaks free and
hits an atomic drop and then a double leg, legdrop to the
crotch, and a dropkick to the face of Orton for a two count.
Orton throws punches to Hardy in the corner. Hardy to the
ropes and clotheslines Orton over the ropes to the outside.
Hardy then goes to the ropes and dropkicks Orton through the
ropes. Hardy then slingshots over the ropes to the outside
onto Orton. Orton goes and grabs his belt on the other side
of the ring. Hardy slides over and attacks Orton then sends
him back inside. Hardy tries to springboard back inside the
ring but Orton dropkicks him in mid-air to counter. Orton
nails a suplex on Hardy on the ringside floor now. Back inside
the ring, Orton applies a blatant choke on Hardy, followed
up with some knee shots to the face. Two count for Orton.
Hardy sends Orton to the outside now and Hardy on the ring
apron, runs and hits a cross body onto Orton to the outside.
Hardy rolls Orton back inside and gets a two count. Orton
sent to the corner, Hardy charges for a Spear but Orton moves
and Jeff meets the ring post shoulder-first. Orton applies
a rear chinlock with a body scissors to slow the pace. Orton
powerslams Hardy down and gets only a two count. Orton with
another rear chinlock submission. Hardy to his feet and hits
a short arm clothesline out of desperation to take both men
to their backs. Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind and only
gets a two count on Orton. Hardy then hits the Mule Kick and
the double foot driver into the chest of Orton while seated
in the corner. Hardy tears his shirt off and goes to the top
rope. Orton rolls to the apron, so Jeff changes gears and
dropkicks Orton off the apron to the floor. Jeff now climbs
the turnbuckle and hits a Moonsault to the outside floor onto
Orton. Back inside the ring now, Hardy goes for a Twist of
Fate but Orton turns it around into an RKO out of nowhere,
and quickly scores the pinfall for the victory. Your Winner:
Randy Orton
Royal Rumble Match Michael Buffer introduces the Royal
Rumble. The first entrant in the Royal Rumble is… ENTRY #1:
The Undertaker Fans chanting “Un-der-tak-er.”The second entrant
in the Royal Rumble is… ENTRY #2: Shawn Michaels Shawn working
the crowd during his entrance. Bell rings and Taker comes
out ready to strike. Michaels moves and chops Taker in the
corner. Taker sends Michaels to the corner and he rolls up
the corner in typical HBK fashion. Taker throws more punches,
then charges HBK for a big boot but HBK ducks. Taker falls
to the apron, Shawn tries to knock him out but cannot. ENTRY
#3: Santino Marella Santino taunts Taker, turns to him to
fight when HBK suddenly hits a Superkick to him and eliminates
Marella. ELMINIATED: Santino Marella Taker sets up Old School,
but HBK falls backward and whips him off the ropes to reverse.
HBK with knife-edge chops on Taker followed by an atomic drop.
ENTRY #4: Great Khali In the ring, Taker Chokeslams HBK as
Khali comes to ringside. Taker throws punches at Khali who
battles back with a big chop. Fans chanting, “You can’t wrestle!”
Taker battles back with right hands. Khali slaps on a choke,
but Taker slaps one right back. The Undertaker is against
the ropes. Khali swings at him, Taker ducks and dumps Khali
to the outside. ELIMINATED: Great Khali ENTRY #5: Hardcore
Holly Holly goes right to work on Undertaker. Taker fights
back as HBK is hurt in the corner. Holly to the ropes and
gets a big boot from Taker. Shawn tries to surprise Taker
by tossing him out but Taker instead gets HBK up over his
shoulders and tries to dump him out. HBK scissors Taker’s
arms to stay in as Holly kicks Taker in the gut. Holly now
throws chops at HBK. ENTRY #6: John Morrison HBK tries to
send Morrison out, but he hangs on and slides back inside
under the ropes. HBK scoop slams Morrison and goes to the
top, hits the Flying Elbow Drop. Shawn calls for Sweet Chin
Music, Morrison catches it and turns it into a spin kick.
ENTRY #7: Tommy Dreamer Fans chanting “E-C-W” Fans now chanting
“Tom-my Dream-er” Holly and Morrison working on Holly. HBK
and Taker battle in an opposite corner. ENTRY #8: Batista
He hits the ring and Spinebusts Dreamer. Clotheslines HBK
and Holly. Back body drops Morrison then faces off with Undertaker.
Batista eliminates Dreamer as he tries for a DDT. ELIMINATED:
Tommy Dreamer HBK tries to eliminate Holly. ENTRY #9: Hornswoggle
Everyone in the ring staring at him in disbelief. Hornswoggle
quickly crawls under the ring. Batista Spears a distracted
Undertaker. Holly with a back body drop on HBK. ENTRY #10:
Chuck Palumbo The camera didn’t even bother to pan to watch
Palumbo enter the ring. Morrison tossed over the ropes by
Taker but hangs on again and slips back in. ENTRY #11: Jamie
Noble Noble goes right for Palumbo with kicks and a barrage
of punches. Noble is eliminated by Palumbo. ELIMINATED: Jamie
Noble Morrison sent out by HBK, but again hangs on and slips
back in. ENTRY #12: C.M. PUNK Punk quickly hits Taker, then
Shawn, then Morrison in each corner with running knee lifts.
He tries to bulldog HBK, but Taker clotheslines Punk down.
Punk tosses Palumbo over and eliminates him. ELIMINATED: Chuck
Palumbo ENTRY #13: Cody Rhodes Rhodes slides in quickly and
unleashes jabs on Punk a-la Dusty Rhodes. Cody gets caught
in a choke by Taker but dropkicks his way out. ENTRY #14:
Umaga Umaga cleans house immediately with punches and clotheslines.
Hardcore Holly tries to chop him, but gets a Samoan Spike
and is eliminated. ELIMINATED: Hardcore Holly Cody Rhodes
tries to eliminate HBK but HBK slips back in. ENTRY #15: Snitsky
Cody Rhodes leaps onto Snitsky and nearly gets eliminated,
falling over his back to the apron. ENTRY #16: The Miz Miz
goes straight for CM Punk and works with Morrison to try and
eliminate him. Taker tries to send Umaga out but cannot do
so. ENTRY #17: Shelton Benjamin Shelton leaps to the top rope
and hits a knee to the face on Morrison, then a swinging neck
breaker on Punk. But HBK quickly Superkicks Shelton, eliminating
him. ELIMINATED: Shelton Benjamin ENTRY #18: Superfly Jimmy
Snuka Morrison gets punched by him first. Punk then gets it.
HBK catches a jab and a kick. Taker then gets a headbutt.
Superfly is cleaning house as Superfly chops the Miz now.
ENTRY #19: Roddy Roddy Piper Piper comes out to a HUGE pop
he is stripping down on his walk to the ring. Snuka and Piper
meet eye to eye and Piper takes some shots. Snuka chops him.
The rumble pretty much stops around Piper and Snuka, letting
them fight for a moment. ENTRY #20: Kane Kane immediately
eliminates Superfly and Roddy Piper ELIMINATED: Roddy Piper
ELIMINATED: Jimmy Snuka Taker stalks Kane with a Chokeslam
but then slaps it on HBK instead and hits him with it. ENTRY
#21: Carlito He hits the ring and spits the apple in the face
of Cody Rhodes and starts taking shots on whoever is near
him. Shawn Michaels is bleeding from the nose. Carlito hits
the Backstabber on CM Punk. Rhodes then hits a Bulldog on
Carlito. ENTRY #22: Mick Foley Mick makes his way to the ring
to a huge pop and the fans chant “FOLEY! FOLEY!” uncontrollably.
Double Arm DDT on Kane by Foley. ENTRY #23: Mr Kennedy Kennedy
hits the ring to a huge pop and goes right for Cody Rhodes.
13 men plus Hornswoggle who is still under the ring are currently
in battle now. Kennedy kicks Taker, and he sits back up. Kennedy
kicks him back down. Taker slaps a choke on and gets to his
feet…CHOKESLAM on KENNEDY! Taker hits a big splash in the
corner on Umaga and Snitsky. Undertaker picking up his second
wind. ENTRY #24: Big Daddy V ELIMINATED: Snitsky Shawn Michaels
eliminates Taker with a Superkick who then turns to him and
shrugs. ELIMINATED: Undertaker Then Mr. Kennedy from behind
eliminates Shawn Michaels. ELIMINATED: Shawn Michaels Taker
then sets up Snitsky on the announce table and drops a big
legdrop on him from the apron. ENTRY #25: Mark Henry Miz dangling
over the ropes. Hornswoggle pops out from under the ring and
pulls him out to finish the job, then goes back under the
ring ELIMINATED: The Miz ENTRY #26: Chavo Guerrero He goes
right for C.M. Punk when he gets to the ring. John Morrison
eliminated by Kane. ELIMINATED: John Morrison Hornswoggle
tries to eliminate someone and Hornswoggle pops out to yank
him out again. Henry catches him and yanks him inside. Finlay
hits the ring and hits everyone with the shillelagh. Finlay
was not the next entrant apparently as no time clock went
off. Finlay takes Hornswoggle back to the backstage area but
he was not yet eliminated. ENTRY #28: Elijah Burke The scoreboard
shows Elijah as number 28 so it looks like Finlay was an official
entrant number 27.. Chavo eliminates CM Punk. Batista catches
a Samoan Spike from Umaga and slides out from under the ropes.
ELIMINATED: C.M.Punk ENTRY #29: Triple H Triple H eliminates
Cody Rhodes, then big Daddy V ELIMINATED: Cody Rhodes ELIMINATED:
Big Daddy V Foley and Triple H now exchange blows. Triple
H eliminates Mick Foley by sending him into Elijah Burke,
eliminating both. Triple H Pedigrees Umaga. The countdown
to the last entrant is on…. ENTRY #30: John Cena Crowd pops
big time. Mark Henry attacks Triple H from behind. Cena shoulder
blocks Henry. Takes out Carlito, eliminating him, followed
by Chavo, and Mark Henry. ELIMINATED: Carlito ELIMINATED:
Chavo Guerrero ELIMINATED: Mark Henry Cena and Triple H nose
to nose conveniently with the WrestleMania logo in view right
behind them. Triple H spinebusts Cena. Umaga clocks Triple
H now and goes for a Samoan Spike but Batista Spears Umaga.
He then eliminates Kennedy. ELIMINATED: Mr. Kennedy He clotheslines
out Umaga. ELIMINATED: Umaga Kane chokes Batista and Triple
H who kick him and toss Kane out. We are down to only three,
Batista, Triple H, and Cena. Triple stare down… Batista gives
the tumbs down to both. Cena does the you can’t see me to
Batista and Triple H. Triple H crotch chops them both and
clotheslines Cena. It is a three-way brawl now Cena and HHH
send Batista to the ropes and he double clotheslines them.
Cena gets Spinebusted b y Batista. Triple H then stalks with
a Pedigree but its countered into a Spinebuster for Batista.
Triple H catches Batista with a high-knee, eliminating him.
ELIMINATED: Batista Down to Triple H and John Cena who circle.
Triple H points to the Wrestlemania sign. Triple H kicks Cena
in the gut. Fans boo on Cena’s punches, Cheer on Triple H’s
punches. Cena ducks a punch and hits a suplex. John Cena calls
for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and hits. Cena tries to hoist
Triple H up for an FU. Triple H wriggles free, tries a Pedigree
but Cena gets free. HHH off the ropes and they double clothesline
each other. Triple H tries to eliminate Cena who kicks HHH.
Cena gas him up in an FU, tries to dump him out but Triple
H hangs on to the rope, slips free and DDTs Cena. Triple H
has Cena over his shoulder. Triple H back up in the FU again
and Cena dumps Triple H to the mat eliminating him. ELIMINATED:
Triple H Your Winner of the Royal Rumble: John Cena
New York, New York |
Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Jonathan Coachman, Joey
Styles, and Tazz |
Report by:
2xzone.com Staff |
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