Jeff Hardy [c] vs. Johnny Nitro [Intercontinental Championship
Cage Match] Jeff Hardy enters the cage by climbing
in. The two square up and the door is locked. We are off.
Fans chant for Hardy. They lock up, Nitro knees Hardy and
punches the back. Uppercut by Nitro and some kicks to follow.
Nitro delivers blows but it’s turned around by Jeff who
corners Nitro and kicks and stomps him. Hardy climbs and
pummels and then goes for a pin but only two. Nitro hits
a wheelbarrow face plant and gets a two count. Nitro sends
Hardy to the cage but its blocked. Hardy fights back and
hits a front face buster suplex and a two count for Jeff.
Nitro hits a springboard savant kick to the back of the
head of Hardy and a two count for Nitro. Nitro tries to
climb out of the cage but Hardy yanks him back in then hits
a flying clothesline off the ropes. Jeff goes for the door
but Nitro yanks him back. Nitro hangs onto the foot of Hardy
but is the recipient of a reverse mule kick by Jeff. Hardy
now climbing the cage, kicks off Nitro but Jeff turns around
and gets his leg dropkicked, forcing him to fall off the
cage. Nitro continuing to work on Hardy with knees to the
head and Nitro now tries to escape over the top but Hardy
catches him and climbs as well. Hardy with some kicks to
Nitro, then Hardy springs off the middle of the top ropes
and dropkicks Nitro off the cage. Hardy tries to quickly
escape the cage over the top but Nitro catches him and hits
a back suplex from the cage to the mat. Nitro mounts a downed
Hardy and pummels him now. Nitro charges Hardy, and is catapulted
into the cage as a reversal. Both men climbing the ropes
now, and Jeff hits a Side Russian Legsweep off the middle
of the top ropes to Nitro. Jeff Hardy climbs now and Nitro
just steps on Hardy to climb over him into the corner of
the cage. Nitro seated in the corner of the cage and Hardy
standing on the top rope facing the seated Nitro. Nitro
executes a sunset flip from the top of the cage onto Hardy.
Nitro climbs now and gets one leg over the top. Nitro has
his legs stuck in the top railing and he is hanging backward
now. He pulls him self out of it though and gets to the
inside of the ring. Hardy climbs the opposite side and Melina
from the outside straps Hardy’s hands through the cage.
Nitro then hits a Missile Dropkick to Hardy and both men
are on the mat. Nitro now climbs the ropes and tries a Flying
Crossbody but Hardy reverses by powerslamming him down.
Hardy climbs the ropes now and hits a Swanton from the top
ropes. Hardy goes for a pinfall but only gets two, Nitro
placing his foot on the rope. Hardy with clotheslines on
Nitro now. Nitro to the ropes and a back body drop. Hardy
charges Nitro and hits a big boot. Nitro climbing the cage
in the corner now. Hardy trails him. Nitro straddling the
top of the cage and he’s half out. Hardy pulls him back
in by the hair. Hardy then tries a Twist of Fate from the
top rope but it gets blocked and Hardy falls to the mat.
Hardy crawls to the door while Nitro climbs over the top
by the door. Melina throws her self in front of the door
seductively so the ref cannot open it. Nitro now totally
out of the ring and holding the door shut with his foot.
Hardy drop kicks the door open, causing Nitro to fall on
the open door, straddling it. Hardy escapes and takes the
match to retain the IC Belt. Your Winner and Still Champion:
Jeff Hardy
World's Greatest Tag Team vs. The Highlanders vs. Jim Duggan &
Super Crazy vs. Murdoch & Cade vs. Cryme Tyme [Tag Team Turmoil
Match] The World’s Greatest Tag Team starts off with The Highlanders.
Rory and Haas start by exchanging blows. Rory sends Haas to the
corner and charges but misses a clothesline and then receives a
clothesline by Haas. Benjamin tagged in. Haas has Rory over the
top rope with his legs straddling Haas’s head. Shelton hits the
rope, leapfrogs Haas and lands seated on the back of Rory. Benjamin
with a few blows then tags in Haas and body slams Rory over the
knee of Haas. Quickly Benjamin back in and applies a rear chinlock
to Rory. Rory elbows his way out of it and hits the ropes, Shelton
scoops him up but falls backward and Rory with a two count. Inside
cradle by Rory for a two count. Robbie tagged in and he axe handle
smashes Benjamin, then Haas. Slam on Benjamin and one for Haas as
well. Dropkick to Benjamin, and another for Haas. Robbie clotheslines
Benjamin out of the ring and hits a back suplex on Haas. Robbie
pumped and goes to the top rope. Rory sets up to shoot him out but
Haas rolls away. Benjamin back in on the apron. Rakes the eyes of
Robbie and Superplexes him to the mat for the pinfall and the victory,
eliminating The Highlanders. Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Super Crazy
are the new team introduced. Hacksaw in and delivers punches to
Shelton but Shelton quickly grapevines the leg and tags in Haas.
Duggan tries to punch Haas but gets cornered in the enemy corner.
Shelton chokes Duggan with the corner rope while the ref wasn’t
looking. Duggan battles back and hits a Three Point Stance on Haas.
Tag made to Super Crazy. He punches Haas and hits a dropkick, and
another. Crazy hits the rope and hits a snapmare and a snap drop
kick, followed by the standing Moonsault. Crazy sent to the corner,
he tries to springboard back but Shelton again jumps on the ropes
and clocks Crazy, causing him to fall back and get caught in a German
Suplex with a bridge by Haas and be pinned and eliminated. Cade
and Murdoch are the next team in. They hit a double team Hart Attack-type
move with a big boot instead of a clothesline. Cade with a Neckbreaker
on Benjamin and a two count. Cade throws him back down and tries
another pin, two count. Tag in to Murdoch. Cade slams Shelton and
then he picks up Murdoch and tosses him down for a legdrop. Murdoch
tries a suplex but Shelton floats over and hits a Neckbreaker. Haas
gets tagged in. He cleans house and then a big boot to Murdoch followed
by a T-Bone Toss onto Cade. Haas then hits a Missile Dropkick onto
Murdoch, but Cade clocks Haas from behind. Benjamin hits a single
man flapjack onto Murdoch. Haas hits a nice leg grapevine maneuver
on Murdoch but the ref was distracted by Benjamin. Allowing Cade
to hit a flying elbow drop on Haas mid-move and allow Murdoch to
pin Haas to eliminate the Worlds Greatest Tag Team. The final team
in is Cryme Tyme. Cade and Murdoch hit a High-Low on JTG. Cade with
a big Lariat across the back off JTG, then hits a reverse elbow.
Murdoch tagged in and he sends JTG to the ropes and hits an elbow
smash. Blatant choke by Murdoch and Cade tagged back in. Quick tag
back to Murdoch. JTG inside cradles Murdoch but the ref is distracted.
No count. Shad tagged in. Cleans house but a High-Low attempted
by Cade and Murdoch. They miss. Shad hoists up Cade and JTG rolls
in. They hit the double team Neckbreaker and score the pinfall to
take the match. Your Winners: Cryme Tyme
Victoria vs. Mickie James[c] [Women’s Championship Match]
Before the match, Backstage we see Victoria asking Melina to help
her win the title tonight, and she will guarantee her the first
shot at it. The match starts with Victoria applying a nice neck
vice on a grounded Mickie James. Victoria then with a top wristlock.
Mickie cartwheels out and takes over Victoria. Victoria with a side
headlock now. Mickie now with an arm drag take down, and another,
followed by a dropkick and a two count for Mickie James. Victoria
to the corner. James tries a hurricanrada but Victoria tosses Mickie
over the top ropes to the outside. Inside the ring again, Mickie
James pins Victoria but only a two count. Victoria chokes Mickie
over the second rope now. Now Victoria yanks back on the neck through
the middle of the ropes. Victoria then follows with a hair toss.
Victoria to the second rope and misses a standing Moonsault as Mickie
James rolls forward. Mickie now takes the upper hand and delivers
punches to Victoria, then to the ropes and a big right hand to Victoria.
Two count for Mickie. In the corner now and Mickie James hits a
hurricanrada-like headscissors. Sending Victoria across the ring.
Victoria on the outside apron now and Mickie kicks her off. Melina
comes down and tries to help Victoria up. Melina winds up and throws
a punch at Mickie but she misses and gets clocked y Mickie James.
Mickie sets up a DDT now but Melina grabs Mickie’s feet. Victoria
in the ring now sets up Widow’s Peak. Mickie tries to reverse out
into a schoolboy. Candice and Maria come out to hold back Melina
from interfering. But only a two count for Mickie. Victoria tries
another widows peak but as she picks her up, Mickie reverses into
Spinning DDT. Mickie scores the pinfall for the victory. Your
Winner and Still Champion: Mickie James
DeGeneration X vs. Rated RKO [Tag Team Championship Match]
Rated RKO is met on the ramp by DX as they begin brawling during
the intro. Triple H sends Edge over the guardrail and suplexes him
back in. Shawn Michaels attacks Orton. Edge tries to powerbomb Hunter
but gets back body dropped for his troubles on the steel ramp. Orton
now tries a suplex on HBK but Shawn floats over and chops Orton,
then sends him head-first into the steps. Hunter now rubbing Edge’s
face on the steel ramp. Shawn and Edge in the ring now and the bell
rings. Triple H in now and he yanks at the jaw off Edge. Edge to
the corner and gets clotheslined by HHH. HHH sends Edge into the
boot of Shawn Michaels and HBK is tagged in. Edge rammed into the
corner and chopped. Edge sent to the far corner and Shawn goes for
a spear but Edge moves causing HBK to meet the ringpost shoulder-first.
Randy Orton tagged in now and he pummels away on HBK. Shawn sent
to the corner and he gets the boot up to reverse out. Snap mare
by HBK and a foot stomp to the face of Orton. HHH tagged in now
and clocks Orton. Then he hits a Knee Drop to the head of Orton.
HHH sets up Orton lying on his back across the edge of the ring
apron and elbows him. HBK in now and he bites Orton’s forehead.
Orton busted wide open now. Triple H beats on Orton with repeated
blows and sends him to the ropes. Reversed by Orton and HHH gets
a knee to the back by Edge as he hits the ropes. HHH brings Edge
in the hard way and he gets double teamed by Edge and Orton now.
Edge with a chop block on HHH and Orton tags him in. Edge in and
working on the knee. Edge still working the knee of HHH. He tries
for a Figure Four, but HHH kicks him off into the turnbuckle. Shawn
Michaels in now and he hits the ropes and hits a flying forearm
and he tips back up to his feet. Scoopslam by HBK on Edge and he
climbs the ropes. He goes airborn and hits a flying elbow drop.
Orton in and breaks up the pin, but Triple H in also to knock out
Orton. Edge charges HBK near the ropes and he gets back body dropped
over the top to the outside. HBK then goes coast to coast and hits
a suicide dive to the outside onto both Edge and Orton. Outside
still, Orton gets a title belt and clocks HBK with it. Triple H
then comes around and knocks out Orton. HBK is busted wide open.
Edge in the ring and he goes to work on HBK as he slowly crawls
back into the ring. Orton tagged in and he hits an inverted back
breaker on HBK as he is still trying to make his way into the ring.
Edge in now and he goes to work on HBK with punches to the head.
HBK sent to the corner Edge hits a backbreaker on Michaels and tags
in Orton. Orton with a barrage of blows to the back of Shawn Michaels.
Shawn tries a desperation kick to the midsection of Orton as he
taunts him. But that just causes Orton to go at him harder. Shawn
now fights back to his feet and throws a few chops, but again to
no avail as Orton knocks him down and tags back in Edge. Double
backbreaker hit on Shawn. Two count was and broken up by Hunter.
Shawn again fights back desperately with a back body drop to Edge.
Both men down and Shawn crawls to his corner. Edge tries to hold
him from making the tag but Shawn turns around and chops Edge. Shawn
goes for another one but Edge ducks and gets caught with a big boot.
Edge tagged in and he taunts Shawn while he’s on the mat. He is
awaiting HBK to get up for an RKO. Orton tries it but gets flung
off mid-move by HBK. Both men trying to crawl for a tag now. Orton
tags first, and then HBK makes it. Triple H clotheslines Edge twice.
Edge to the ropes duck under, and then met with a high knee. Orton
in and he gets punches from Hunter. Edge now receives punches as
well. Hunter then hits a knee to the face of Edge and clotheslines
him outside. Hunter hits a Spinebuster on Orton. Hunter looks like
he hurt his knee and is hobbling around. Edge in and he gets a spinebuster
for his troubles. Hunter now tries a Pedigree on Edge but Orton
breaks it up and tries an RKO on Hunter but that is also broken
up by an HBK Superkick! Hunter looks very bad staying on the mat
and barely moving. Edge knocks HBK outside the ring. Edge tries
a pin but Hunter kicks out. Edge goes for a Spear and Hunter moves.
Hunter now tries a Pedigree and makes it. Orton runs it with a chair
but for some reason stops and bails out. HBK runs in and clocks
Orton with a chair then knocks out the referee. Inside the ring
HBK is furious and clocks Edge with a chair and then clocks Orton.
Orton is bleeding like crazy. Hunter now with a chair shot to Edge.
Shawn with a chairshot to Orton. Shawn and Hunter now repeatedly
clocks Orton and Edge with chairs. Hunter’s knee injury appears
to either be a work or not terribly bad. Shawn now rips off the
top of the announce tables. Triple H places Edge on the announce
table. Shawn puts Orton on the other. Triple H sets up a Pedigree
and Shawn climbs the ropes. Triple H hits a Pedigree on Edge but
the table does not break. Shawn then climbs all the way up the rope.
And hits a huge flying Elbow Drop!!!!! Table is broken!! Table is
broken!! Shawn is jumping around trying to sell the move. Hunter
and Shawn hug. And their music hits. Apparently this match is over.
No bell, no referee. Seems like this is a no decision. Your Winner:
No Decision
John Cena [c] vs. Umaga [WWE Championship Match] The bell
rings and they circle the center of the ring. Umaga charges but
Cena ducks and connects with a punch. Again, same result. Umaga
to the corner and Cena with shoulder blocks but gets sent to the
opposite corner. Cena comes out with a bulldog. Umaga charges Cena
who drops down and holds the top rope down causing Umaga to fall
to the outside. Cena charges Umaga as he jumps on the apron. Cena
charges Umaga who is on the apron still and Umaga catches Cena and
flings him outside the ring over the top rope. Inside the ring now.
Umaga charges Cena who is in the corner and shoulder blocks him.
Cena powers back out and charges Umaga but is clotheslined down.
Umaga stomps Cena on the mat. Cena up, charges Umaga and receives
a Samoan Drop. Cena now off the ropes tries a sunset flip but cannot
take Umaga over. Umaga battles then tries to sit on Cena’s face
but Cena moves. Cena tries for a scoopslam of Umaga but the weight
was too much and Umaga falls backward onto Cena for a pinfall and
a two count. Umaga with a legdrop. Cena near the ropes now, receiving
punches by Umaga, sends him through the ropes. Cena quickly battles
back. Leaps to the top ropes and jumps but caught mid air by Umaga
who hits a swinging Sidewalk Slam. Two count for Umaga as Cena gets
his foot on the rope. Umaga sends Cena to the ropes and clothesline
him down on the rebound. Cena to the ropes again, this time he slides
through the legs. Back to the ropes and he hits a swinging beckbreaker.
Cena charges Umaga and receives a spinning heel kick. Umaga with
a big knife-edge chop on Cena. Umaga drags Cena to the ropes, and
leaps upward, and falling down ward to a seated position across
the sternum of a floored Cena. He does it again. Tries for one more,
but Cena gets the knees up and catches the crotch of Umaga. Cena
now tries to lift up Umaga in the FU but crumbled under the weight
and fell. Umaga now sends Cena to the outside over the top rope.
Back inside the ring and Umaga working on Cena with punches. Umaga
now working on the trapesius muscle of Cena. Cena battling up to
his feet though. Still working on the traps. Cena again battling
to his feet. He does so and hits the ropes, but Umaga quickly quells
his uprising with an elbow to the head. Umaga climbs the ropes and
tries a Samoan Spike from the top but Cena rolls away . Cena battles
back and goes to the ropes with clotheslines once, twice, three
times. He goes for a fourth but Cena catches a punch to the gut
to slow his offensive. Umaga charges Cena in the corner who ducks
and Umaga crashes into the ringpost headfirst. Cena then back suplexes
Umaga and calls for the five-knuckle shuffle. He hits it. Cena tries
an FU again but cannot lift him. Umaga hits a belly-to-belly suplex
to reverse out. Cena now in the tree of woe and Umaga charges and
hits with a knee. Cena falls to a seated position in the corner.
Umaga charges for a facewash. Cena gets his hands on the ropes,
allowing him to lift his feet up, catching Umaga in the gut as he
charged. Cena then cradles Umaga…1….2…..3! Cena scores the pinfall
to retain the title. Your Winner and Still Champion: John Cena