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2xzone.com > Results > ECW Sci-Fi 2008 > 03.25.2008
Match-by-match results and television rating of this edition of ECW on the Sci-Fi Network.
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Quick Results
Mark Henry, Chuck Palumbo, Brian Kendrick, Deuce 'N' Domino, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Great Khali, Mike Mizanin, Matt Striker, Elijah Burke, & Snitsky def. Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Tommy Dreamer, Jamie Noble, Val Venis, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Jesse & Festus
Shelton Benjamin def. Carlito
Mike Knox & Layla def. Stevie Richards & Kelly Kelly
Chavo Guerrero def. Tommy Dreamer
Detailed Results
TV Rating
Match 1: Hardcore Holly, Cody Rhodes, Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Tommy Dreamer, Jamie Noble, Val Venis, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Jesse & Festus vs. Mark Henry, Chuck Palumbo, Brian Kendrick, Deuce 'N' Domino, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Great Khali, Mike Mizanin, Matt Striker, Elijah Burke, & Snitsky From Fayetteville, NC: We open with the biggest tag team match in known wrestling history, just 8 days after perhaps the biggest handicap match. Only Kane, Kingston, & Rhodes & Holly's entrances were shown at the start. Strange to see Kendrick on the "heel" side of the equation, but the 24 men in this match are in the #1 contender's battle royal for the ECW title on Sunday. Joey Styles tells us that there will be a preview of the battle royal on WWE.com at 6:30 (ET) on Sunday before the PPV. Things predictably broke down after the commercial, ending with Henry putting a bearhug on Dreamer, then ramming him into the corner. Snitsky finished off Dreamer with a boot to the face. Winners: "Team Snitsky".

Worth noting, though, is that Striker was in there in place of Big Daddy V. Not sure of the reason why.

More hype for Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania. Nothing new.

Backstage, Tommy is joined by protege Colin Delaney. ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero come along to talk trash, but Dreamer decides his work for the night isn't done yet, and challenges the arrogant Chavo to a match for later. At first, Chavo refuses, but after he cuts off Delaney from commenting, Dreamer reams him out, saying that the rookie has more heart & passion than the veteran champion. That prompts Chavo to accept the challenge!

Match 2: Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito Better call Air Traffic Control for this one. Another Money in the Bank preview match. Shel talks smack to start, and gets smacked. Carlito had control for a good part of the match, hitting a springboard back elbow for 2, and a springboard dropkick for 2. The tide starts to turn when Benjamin hits a roundhouse, but falls back down, still selling the beating he's already taken, and gets only 2. Carlito tries a Backstabber, but Benjamin turns that into a released powerbomb into the corner. Benjamin goes for the inverted bulldog-STO, dubbed "Paydirt" by Joey, but Carlito counters into a backbreaker for 2. Carlito goes up top, but that's not a safe place to be, either, as Benjamin ably demonstrates by leaping to the top in one single bound and hitting Paydirt off the top. It takes a few seconds for Benjamin to roll Carlito over to pin him, but the final result is academic. Winner: Shelton Benjamin.

Think back to when those two had a feud over the IC title 3 years ago. Mere chump change compared to this match.

Vidpack for the WWE title match, same as shown last night.

Joey & Tazz run down the Wrestlemania card.

The last Hall of Fame inductee is a posthumous one, continuing the Florida theme for this year. Most of today's fans remember Gordon Solie from his work for Georgia Championship Wrestling & WCW on TBS in the 80's & 90's, but he got his start in Florida in the 60's. Gordon was, for an appropriate analogy, pro wrestling's answer to Mel Allen, the legendary voice of the NY Yankees for many years, or even football's Pat Summerall.

Kelly Kelly is checking her hair as Stevie Richards comes by to pick her up. They're teaming for the first time in our next match.

Match 3: Stevie Richards & Kelly Kelly vs. Mike Knox & Layla El The never ending feud between Kelly & Layla continues, but the issue between Richards & Knox has been building the last few weeks. However, they're not being given enough time to let anything develop. The girls start, and of course, it's playground ugly. Knox trips up Kelly behind the back of ref Mike Posey so Layla can get an advantage, but can only get a pair of near falls. Kelly hits a weak enziguri so she can tag Richards in. Now, the men are in, and Richards is on the offensive with a series of kicks. However, this flurry is quickly snuffed as Knox blocks a monkey flip out of the corner, then carries Richards to center ring and hits the Whippet neckbreaker. Winners: Mike Knox & Layla El.

Floyd Mayweather video, same as last night. Meh.

Match 4: Chavo Guerrero vs. Tommy Dreamer (non-title) The players in our opener are all back out as unofficial lumberjacks, but are not much of a factor. Chavo is tossed to the floor early, and is quickly tossed back in. However, momentum shifts back to the champion, who blocks a DDT by grabbing the ropes. An attempted suplex is blocked into a neckbreaker. Instead of going for the fall, Dreamer goes up top. Guerrero crotches him, and Tommy falls. One frogsplash later, and Dreamer has absorbed another loss, his 2nd of the night. Winner: Chavo Guerrero.

After the match, Chavo is attacked. Snitsky gets the first blow in, followed by Great Khali, and it quickly becomes a dogpile on Chavo, then a mass pier-6 brawl to end the show.

Location: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Commentary: Joey Styles & Tazz
Report by: 2xzone.com Staff Writer J.C. Gilbert

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