Match 1: John Morrison & Mike Mizanin vs. Tommy Dreamer & Colin Delaney (WWE tag titles) Plausibly live from Chicago. Last week, Miz & Morrison escaped with the titles intact when rookie Delaney went berserk, having taken way too much abuse the last three months. Tonight, the rematch is under extreme rules, which any other time would favor the challengers, but somehow I doubt it. Tony Chimel waits until the combatants have entered the ring before making the intro's, to give this a big fight feel.Early on, the intensity that Delaney demonstrated last week carried over, as he & Dreamer threatened to run the champions right out of town. Dreamer came out wearing a flannel Cubs jersey, then gives Delaney a Bears helmet for a Whassup! headbutt. Stereo DDTs only net a double 2 count as the champs find the ropes, also in stereo. Delaney tries another move associated with the Dudleys (Team 3D), the Acid Drop/Dudley Dogg, but Morrison tosses him to the floor. Morrison then eliminates Delaney with a trash can-aided moonsault off the apron. Dreamer had a table set up in the corner, but Miz avoided the Dreamer Driver. The champs then put it away with an H-bomb to Dreamer through the table. Winners: John Morrison & Mike Mizanin.
After being off last week, Armando Estrada is back this week, and announces a 24 man battle royal for Wrestlemania. The tri-brand match will name a #1 contender for the ECW title, the winner of which will face Chavo Guerrero immediately after. Estrada then brings out Great Khali as one of the 24 entrants, and that leads to our next match.....
Match 2: Great Khali vs. Stevie Richards Instant squashola. Richards never got out of the blocks, as a mere chop from Khali put him down for the 3. Winner: Great Khali. As Joey & Tazz contemplated the prospect of Khali, a former World champion, doing the same to Chavo, Mike Knox ran down and picked up where Khali left off, assaulting Richards with punches, a leg drop, and the Whippet (inverted corkscrew neckbreaker). Knox had attacked Richards after Stevie lost to Shelton Benjamin last week, perhaps embarassed by 2 straight losses to Richards.
Match 3: Deuce (w/Domino & Cherry) vs. Kofi Kingston The former tag champs don't merit an entrance this time around, and that is of course a bad sign. Domino and Cherry did exactly nothing. Deuce must've had flashbacks to his childhood, training with his father, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, taking those double chops from Kingston. Kofi also hit a flying forearm and the double legdrop. Deuce blocked a monkey flip, but missed a clothesline. Kingston made him pay for that mistake with the Jamaican Buzzsaw (front enziguri). As Tazz aptly put it, thanks for coming, Deuce! Winner: Kofi Kingston.
Raw Rebound: Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather, Jr.: the weigh-in. This got plenty of play on ESPN and elsewhere earlier today, of course. They're playing up that Mayweather "injured his elbow", which was bandaged for yet another Mania press conference earlier today. That press conference will be highlighted on Smackdown on Friday. Joey & Tazz run down the Wrestlemania card. Lena Yada interviews CM Punk. The former champion is representin' his peeps in Chi-town as he prepares to face Big Daddy V in a Money in the Bank qualifier coming up shortly.
Clips are shown of Maria Kanellis' autograph signing at Virgin Megastores in NYC on 3/6.
Match 4: Festus (w/Jesse) vs. Elijah Burke You've got to feel sorry for Elijah. By all rights, he should be a sparring partner for Big Show, being a former boxer and all, but instead, he has the misfortune of facing Festus. Well, maybe it's not so bad, as Elijah gets heat on the big guy early with an armbar DDT, and works on the injured wing. Unfortunately, he can't sustain the advantage, and Festus battles back. Butt splash in the corner. Punt kick. Flying shoulder tackle. Vertical splash. The finish is called as a flapjack, but it looks more like the F5. I was hoping Tazz would recognize and call, "Here comes the pain!", but it was not to be. Winner: Festus.
Match 5: CM Punk vs. Big Daddy V (w/Matt Striker)(Money in the Bank qualifier) Given the amount of time left in the show, this isn't going to go very far. Shel Benjamin joins Joey & Tazz for commentary. He'd rather see BDV in the ladder match, but then cracks that he doesn't think there's a ladder built that can support the nearly 500 pound Harlem Mastodon. Punk tried to cut down BDV with kicks, but BDV no-sold and hit a side slam. Punk hit the running knee in the corner, but his momentum took him over the top and to the apron. Acting quickly, Punk hit the knee a 2nd time, but couldn't get Big Daddy up for the Go to Sleep. Punk hit an enziguri and tried the GTS again, but collapsed under the burden. Seconds later, he low-bridged BDV over the top. Striker grabbed a bottle of water, hoping to revive his charge, but it wasn't enough, and Big Daddy was counted out. Winner: CM Punk. Post-match, Striker swung around and tried to ambush Punk, who promptly hit the GTS. BAM! Thanks for coming, teach! Punk glares at an incredulous Benjamin to end the show.