Evolution of a Superstar - Evolution of a Dream Match

With Wrestlemania approaching with anticipation, we must focus on the fantasy match of the Rock and John Cena. This does not take away from the epic Hell in the Cell Match; However if you are a wrestling fan like myself, scratch that Wrestling aficionado you can only imagine streak, lose, or draw, this will be the Phenom’s “Last Ride”.
With that being said, let’s go back a few years. Yes Fans, John Cena did go on record and make mention of the Rock taking his wrestler turn actor ball and go from Up North roots to Hollywood “boots”. It’s evolution at its highest, however that’s just the tip of the iceberg regarding this match. It stands to reason that the action will fair far better than the “dream match” between The Rock VS Hogan, simply because neither Cena nor Rock is performing past their prime. The Rock has been nonstop training via movie set, and we see bi-weekly how excellent of shape Cena is in. To his credit Cena has taken several bumps over the past year, without sustaining any major injury. I for one was skeptical, this time last year when The Rock made the challenge simply because an injury can happen unexpectedly and ruin things…Ask Wade Barrett. Who knew the “Road to Wrestlemania”, could begin a year out and still take place.
Now, One can only hope and believe that because this will NOT be the last match of the evening, nor the first; that it will live up to the hype; more than the many TLC matches that pretty much stole the show at different Wrestlemania’s (Vince please bring those back to Mania). With the Rock VS Cena, we have a lot to look forward to, and one thing is not who’s going to win. We have the next few weeks of excellent mic skills, fantastic promos, and all the fruity pebbles, strudel, at el, one fan can handle.
The winner, who knows, Does the Rock fall to Cena and go off into the Hollywood sunset, or does The Master of Thuganomics, lose and remain a fan favorite “heel”. Who knows, However come The Monday after Mania, two things are for sure….make that three things. 1. Monday Night Raw will be the best yet 2. The Undertaker will retire as one of the best characters every created 3. The best fantasy match since Ric Flair VS Hogan (no matter their ages) will live in infamy as the best storyline through true accounts in wrestle history since Bret Hart came back and met up with Shawn Michaels and Vince.
Until Next time see you on the Mat!!!!!

Next Week….Evolution of a Superstar returns with Dwayne “The Rock Johnson.

Martin Bryant

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