Ok, let’s get this out of the way. I have been a wrestling fan, for about 30 years. The first match I ever saw was Bob Backlund VS Super fly Jimmy Snuka in a cage. Some 30 years later I get to write about another Technician in the ring vs another Phenom, this time in “Hell in a Cell”.
Before I go any further let me just add, I understand match placement but this “End of an Era” match should have closed WrestleMania.
Now that that’s out of the way, what a “hell” of a match, it had chairs, finishers, and the cage of course…and they cleverly mixed in the special guess referee “HBK” into the fold. Excellent story line which really was built up over 4 years’ time.
Shawn Michaels lose to Taker at 18-0, only for the rematch to be HBK”s last. Excellent way to go out. Fast forward to last year. The Undertaker beat Triple H in yet the first classic WrestleMania match with these two. (I don’t count the actually first time they fought) as Triple H had not fully branded himself as the King of Kings, or as the Game.
Now, onto this year, with no signs of Taker retiring or being “buried alive” the WWE brass and universe could only ponder who’d be his 20th Mania opponent. It only made logical sense considering the current roster, angles, injuries etc. to call on a rematch….But also to up the Ante. Anyone who follows the sport knows that these days are the last for Taker and the Family man/business man/part owner Hunter Hearst Helmsley. The only thing to do is evolve the match into Hell in a Cell; A classic way and proper way to send off, (if it is a sendoff) the only wrestler to have multiple matches created from his persona.
1. Hell in the Cell
2. Inferno match
3. Buried Alive
4. Tombstone
5. I’ll even throw in the Elimination Chamber.
We knew the streak wouldn’t end, or did we, watching this match, seeing it unfold; no one could have asked for more near falls, multiple chairs and hammer shots no less, not to mention Sweet Chin Music from Michaels’ and a hells gates on Michaels. If a Wrestling match could garner an Oscar, this was an Oscar winning performance by all three…I guess they’ll have to wait until next years “Slammy” awards; this was definitely the match of the year.
Taker wins, but it wasn’t the victory that got us. It was after the bell. A move or moves that rivaled the Infamous Kliq send off in MSG years ago. The Undertaker, worn and torn body raised himself up to embrace and shake Michael’s hand. Michaels himself I’m sure thank and applauded the Undertaker. Then those two men, Helped up a beaten Triple H only to hug him and help him out the ring. Up the ramp walked and limped the last of the Attitude Era; only to give us one more gasp of awe. The stood at the top of the ramp embraced and lifted each other hands up, basically thanking the fans.
If neither Triple H or Taker comes back to wrestle, if both retire after this match, Both will be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame as the best in the business, and the torch bearers to the end of an era.
Until Next time, see you on the mat
Next Week “The Evolution of a Stable"... From Horsemen to DX”
Martin Bryant